5 Ways Smart RFID Chips Are Simplifying Our Tracking Demands

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is spreading across the globe and simplifying tracking demands. When it comes to tracking assets and keeping systems secure this technology provides an efficient and affordable methodology. If you have used an attendance card, a toll tag, bought security tagged clothes, or stayed in a hotel room then you have probably used RFID technology.

RFID technology is used to store basic data, including identification in the form of a microchip and transfer signals via radio waves over a short distance to a memory card reader. An active RFID tag also contains a battery and can transmit a signal, but is more expensive, while RFID passive tags contain no battery, are cheaper, but need to be activated by a reader in order to access the data stored on them. They can be used like barcodes, but hold more information, and the stored data can be updated.

RFID technology has turbo charged the once basic ID card. Regular ID cards are vulnerable to forgery and theft. A lost or stolen plastic ID card can be easily tracked if it is equipped with RFID technology. Also RFID – ID card information is easily scanned and processed. This is because the readers can scan information from a distance of up to 32 yards. This is more efficient because it eliminates the process of going through a physical reader.

#1 – ID Badge Access Control for Businesses

Identification badge access is popular among many types of businesses and industries. Used in a variety of controlled access facilities, it keeps the location secure while controlling and monitoring the environment of the cardholders.

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#2 – ID Badge Student Monitoring for Education Systems

RFID student ID cards and badges are effective tools for tracking student attendance. They can also be used to track resources that students may utilize while on and off campus.

#3 – Libraries

Libraries are one of the many resources that students, as well as non-students utilize. Libraries have begun to use RFID technology to track books and resource information since the microchip can store not only the issue and return of books and resources but also hold the book’s title, author, category and any other vital information.

#4 – Microchips for Pets

Today more and more pet owners are having their pets microchipped. The RFID chip contains pertinent information about the owner so in case the pet is lost or stolen the pet can be easily identified.

Many nature programs also use the technology to tag animals in order to study different species of birds and animals and better understand things such as migration patterns.

#5 – Pre-paid Transit Pass and Toll Way Systems

Numerous transit pass systems use embedded RFID tags to store balance details which are updated when swiped at an exit gate. In the same manner, toll systems offer some form of “easy-tag” for barrier-free tolling, where drivers attach a RFID tag on their front windshield which is read as they pass through the toll.

There are several areas where the combination of ID cards and RFID technology can and are being used. The uses for RFID technology is increasing day by day due to the increased protection they provide. As technology continues to evolve and the tags are able to be made even smaller and cheaper they will become part of our everyday lives.

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