How We Are Affected By Internet Of Things?

The future of all technology is IoT or if you’re not familiar with the term, it’s called Internet of Things. The IoT is expected to connect around 50 billion devices by the year 2020. Every device has to have a piece of software or microelectromechanical system short for MEMS as what you see.

Actually, MEMS are small low power sensors, so small in size that 100 of them can be fitted in a dime. With the availability of these sensors, the internet of things will be able to sense, act and think. They are also the ears and eyes of Internet of Things. Moreover, the Internet of Things is the network of physical objects that have embedded technology to be able to sense and communicate or interact with internal states or external environment.

Everything from smart phones that we carry in our pockets, buildings which we live and work, to the cars we’re driving are linked to this massive network of data. Sooner or later, there’ll be a global system of interconnected sensors, computer networks, actuators as well as devices that are using internet protocol which holds great potential to change our lives that it’s typically deemed as the next generation of the internet.

Internet of Things is internetworking of the physical devices, cars or also referred as smart devices and connected devices, buildings and several other items embedded with sensors, electronics, software as well as network connectivity that allow these objects to exchange and collect data. Devices can connect to other devices either with or without human touch to put it simply. When the sensors are fitted into these machines, it will have the ability to know the condition it’s in and whenever necessary, perform its own maintenance.

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There are 10 million self-driving cars that are expected to be out on the road by the year 2020 and expected to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities by up to 90 percent. These cars will be communicating to other cars, traffic lights, weather station and even on the very road you’re driving on to be able to bring you to your destination safely and all of which become available with the help of Internet of Things.

The truth is, Internet of Things makes it feasible for objects to be controlled or sensed remotely across an existing network of infrastructure that will create an opportunity for the direct integration of physical world in computing based and lead to improved accuracy, economic benefit and efficiency. The cars, devices and everything we are using that are the product of technology can be integrated to IoT leading to better communication.

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