Full Body Massage Service A great way to rid the body of stress and sore muscles is to render it with a full body massage, using these basic steps: see to it that the room is comfortable; use a specific massage oil; begin massaging the feet and work your way up the legs; move from the lower body to the upper back; massage the neck and shoulders followed by the hands and arms; and finish massaging with the head. Before a full body massage is carried out, it is important to create a relaxed place and atmosphere to allow your client to already feel relaxed and rested, therefore, do these steps: make sure the client has somewhere to lie down comfortably, such as a bed or a proper massage table and cover the surface with a soft towel; since your client will be partly undressed, see to it that the room is nice and warm; and, also, see to it that the room is privately used where it is free from any sorts of disturbance. You can also use lighted candles with a light scent, like lavender or sea breeze, to help produce a relaxed atmosphere in the room. Think about playing soothing music in the room, like sounds from nature or gentle classical music, which can help a person relaxed. It is important to choose natural oil with just a little light scent as your massage oil and rub it warmly to your hands first before applying body massage to your client so your hands are prepared to easily glide over the skin of your client. Start by massaging the feet soles of your client, wrapping both hands around each foot and using your thumb to apply pressure and, after some time, move into the back of the legs, giving each leg a couple of long, relaxing strokes all the way from the calf to the upper thigh.
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When you’re done in massaging the legs, start moving your hands from the lower to the upper back, by placing the palm of each of your hand on either side of the spine and work your way up, keeping your hands parallel to one another and when you reach the top of the back, fan your hands outwards across the shoulders like outlining the top of a heart. Try to rid of the built-up tensions on the large muscles on each side of the spine by using a kneading motion massage at the lower back.
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After massaging the lower and upper back, go now to the shoulders using a hand on each shoulder in a classic massage position, kneading the thumbs deep into the muscles of the shoulders and, after sometime, use the press and release technique to massage along the neck, all the way to the hairline. Then massage the arms, working on one at a time, and once you have released the tensions from the hands and arms, finally, massage the head using your fingertips to gently massage the temples, moving in slow circular motions.

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