Cloud computing is a multibillion-dollar industry, and companies have plenty of options in the search for the best business saas. With the right strategies in place to test, research and evaluate vendors, choosing the right SaaS supplier does not have to be hard. Consider the answers to these questions during the decision-making phase.

Do the Vendor’s Services Align With the Company’s Goals?

The top criteria in choosing a business SaaS provider is whether its solutions match the company’s goals. While a vendor may offer a lengthy list of features, they’re useless if they don’t give the client the benefits they need. Before searching for a vendor, the client should define their software needs. When the client starts the process with an idea of what they need, they’ll find it easier to choose the right solution.

What Service Levels are Available?

When a business goes through downtime, it loses productivity and customers’ trust at the expense of the bottom line. On average, a company can lose $5000 per downtime minute, but with SaaS, a client can rely on the vendor’s support during downtime. The wrong SLA (service level agreement) can adversely affect a client’s ability to keep productivity high, and choosing an SaaS vendor with a stout SLA is vital.

Who do Other Vendors Choose?

The penetration of SaaS is growing, and according to Forbes, over 81% of companies with more than 100 employees use cloud computing solutions. Most of a company’s vendors already have experience with SaaS, and they can be a great source of recommendations. Prospective clients can ask about their experiences with particular vendors, but personal research is essential. By finding an SaaS supplier who has a good reputation in the industry, a client can get the service they need at every stage in a business’ growth.

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Evaluate SaaS Vendors

Most business SaaS vendors offer hands-on demos, free trials and freemium models that let potential clients determine whether the service can meet its goals. Clients should observe everything from UI navigation to customer support responsiveness. If practical, the testing should extend to those who will use the service on a daily basis.

Choosing the appropriate business SaaS vendor may take time, but finding the right partner the first time around can help businesses realize long-term savings. After all, it can be expensive to continually repeat the vendor selection process.

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