Diabetes Condition And How To Manage It A medical statement made by a cardiologist known as Gurgaon is that the condition diabetic heart disease is the connection of a heart disease and diabetes. Patients with diabetes have a high rate of getting heart disease is high compared to people who do not have diabetes. Type one and two diabetic patients, men and women are affected by the above condition. There is a higher risk chance especially if there is too much glucose in the blood. The fatty materials found in the blood vessel walls are as a result of high glucose levels. Atherosclerosis is the condition arising from clogging and hardening of blood vessels. Heart attacks are results of alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes and a lot of cholesterol in the blood. Obesity combined with smoking and alcohol are elements which make the condition harmful. Diabetic patients do not respond well to angioplasty and bypass surgery heart treatments. Comparing Diabetes And Heart Disease
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Ordinary Heart Diseases :
The Essentials of Tips – Revisited
Injured Heart Muscles Damaged heart muscles cause a heart not to function well. Hard and Clogged Blood Vessels Blood cannot be carried to the heart easily when arteries are clogged and hard. When there are plague deposits in the walls of blood vessels it is known as atherosclerosis. Peripheral Arterial Disease Blood may not circulate easily if in the feet and legs because of fatty materials that are deposited in the blood vessel walls. The rate of heart attack is increased by fatty deposits in the walls of the blood vessels and this can also lead to leg amputation. Congested Heart If the body does not receive blood adequately this is as a result of a congested heart. If fluids accumulate in the body and the heart clogs this can lead to heart failure. The Stand Point of Diabetes and Heart Disease The factors that lead to diabetes, lifestyle change and medicines that a patient is taking is the information that a patient should give their doctor upon request. Lifestyle change, stress management, exercising are changes that a diabetic must ensure they follow. Steps To Take Smoker should attempt to stop the habit. Seek medical advice. It is never too late to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is a good decision. Stopping the smoking habit is not easy and smokers should be encouraged. The benefits of exercising by a diabetic are worthwhile. Exercising helps the heart and control the levels of sugar in the blood. A 20-minute brisk walk daily is beneficial too. It may not be important to even attend a gym. An inactive individual should consult their doctor on how to start and they will be advised on the safe exercises to be done. It is advised that a diabetic visits a doctor often. Following the advice of a doctor is one attribute of a healthy heart.

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