iPhone hints

You may think you know about how to use your iPhone, but the truth is that it can do even more than you think it can. There are a lot of things you can do by following iPhone hints. You can improve your knowledge more with latest iPhone tips for your own phone. It may look simple, but we know that using iPhone sometimes tricky. If we can’t use it well, there will be ineffective way we do. Therefore, look at some iPhone hints and tips below.

Tap Your Phone’s Status Bar

You probably spend a lot of time reading scrollable content on your iPhone, but you might not know about this feature. When you’ve scrolled down on a page, you can return to the top simply by tapping your phone’s status bar. This can be very helpful, and once you’re familiar with the feature, you may find yourself using it all the time.

Super Easy Feature to Get Definitions of Words

Apple has made it super easy to get definitions for words. Whenever you see a word, you want to get a definition for, whether it’s in an email, a text message, or on the internet, you can press on the word for a second or two, and a little pop-up will come up where you can select define.

Don’t Put Too many Apps

Avoid putting too many apps on your phone. While it can be tempting to load up your device, remember that most users wind up deleting the majority of the apps they add. It can be a costly addiction and it may also slow down your device, particularly when the apps start updating.


Searching Important Articles

If you are searching the internet on your iPhone, click the forward arrow on the middle bottom to forward the link to the page that you are on to your email address. This can be very useful if you are searching your iPhone for important articles and do not have enough space to store them all.

It is not necessary to hit the ‘X’ when deleting AutoCorrect suggestions. Simple tap away on your screen to eliminate this alteration. The suggestion box will close.

Don’t Turn Your Phone on When It Gets Wet

If you happen to get the iPhone wet, the last thing you want to do is turn it on. By turning it on you run the risk of short-circuiting the product. Instead, you should towel dry it and then put it into a Ziploc bag. After that place it in a bowl of uncooked rice and let it sit there until the moisture dries up. This is what you should know next for the iPhone hints.

When you get an iPhone, it can be overwhelming to know how to use all the features. Luckily, this article has given you some great tips for using your iPhone so you can be a pro. Use everything this article has taught you, and keep exploring your phone. Have fun!

By alpha