The Scope of Pet Sitting Pet-sitting is simply a job description of caring for a pet while the owner is away, for a day or for longer periods of time, such that your job is to play with the pet, brush the pet’s teeth, or giving him medications as needed. Pet-sitting is actually not a simple job to perform because pets have their own characteristics, behavior, and habits and that they may become aggressive to strangers, therefore, before accepting the job offer, prepare yourself first on the nature of pet-sitting by contemplating on the following: make sure that this job is for you, such as knowing if you’re qualified for this job by these qualities – a love of animals, flexible and calm, organized, self-motivated; get liability insurance as most professional pet sitters do, especially if the job is long-term; and, if you’re seriously contemplating on being a professional pet-sitter, consider taking training on pet-sitting. When you are decided to try pet-sitting, meet with the owner and discuss these steps to him: if you have had experiences with pet-sitting, provide references for your past pet sitting jobs, such as the names of your previous customers, their phone numbers and contact information; discuss with the pet owner his expectations on you in caring for his pet, such that you have clearly understood them, as much as possible, write down these expectations as your guide; get all necessary contact information of the owner – his cell phone number, landline number, his hotel number, in case an emergency or medical issue with regards to the pet arises; find out how much will be paid, the national wage for pet sitters is $16 per hour, and what mode of payment will it be; and, if possible, schedule a practice visit to familiarize yourself with the pet and, at the same time, you know where to find the food, water, treats, and toys, and if there are any issues with pet aggression or timidness in your presence, the owner may want to hire an alternative pet sitter, so don’t take this personally.
Why Animals Aren’t As Bad As You Think
Your entire pet-sitting period while the pet owner is away will be more concentrated on these two major activities, which are: following the instructions of the pet owner, such as – feeding the right amount of food at the right time with lots of clean water for the pet to drink, giving the pet medication according to the prescribed time and dosage, cleaning litter box regularly, bringing the pet for an exercise; and giving the pet extra care and attention, such as talking to the pet, patting its head, grooming the pet.What Almost No One Knows About Pets

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