Choosing Your Private Money Lender So basically, a private money lender is a person or non-institution who provides money to an individual without all major formalities required by institutions like banks whenever they lend money; majority of the transactions and contracts are on a short-term basis. Private money lender would be your go-to place if you want short-term loans but are not able to comply the list of requirements demanded by banks for loans. That’s exactly what made private money lenders desirable, the fact that you can avail short-term loans even though you don’t have certain backup documents. Of course you can’t just randomly choose a private money lender and hope that they fall through, below are some of the factors that you should take account as you decide: Integrity and Background Both crucial factors to consider when choosing among available private money lenders, put some thought and consideration since not every lender possesses these traits. No one wants to be fooled in terms of money, so the private money lender has to be credible.
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The credibility of a private money lender can be verified through a background check, that easy. Testimonies and reviews from past clients are likely to pop up during background checks. Furthermore, look into the experience of the money lender when it comes to the specific financial transaction you’re hoping to apply for; experience is gained by the duration of the private money lender in availing loans, so you’d want one that’s been in the industry for a considerable amount of time.
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Application Process and Approval Anyone out there who applies for a loan will likely need it quick; the turnaround from the screening of the application up to the approval shouldn’t take too long. Slow approval time doesn’t sound all that appealing, so better opt for the private money lender that can ensure quick process times. Considerable Interest Rates As you’re scouring for a short-term loan, of course you’d prefer a private money lender that can lend you the amount you need at a considerable interest rate. No one wants to incur losses by paying for high-interest loans when it didn’t earn the value that you thought it would. Fair Payment Schedules This might be the deal-breaker for many private money lenders on your short list since you will need to search for one that actually offers payment schedules that are suitable for you; remember, they almost always offer short-term basis loans and that’s about it. Quick Response Always inquire about the actual time that the loan will be availed to you from the moment you submit a complete set of requirements. Service response should be considered seriously since it gives you an estimate of when you’ll be able to receive the money and use it in whatever endeavour.

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