Why It is great to Have a Log Home Choosing a timber frame log home is definitely more than just the idea of connecting with mother-nature and its rustic ambiance. Some of these prospective owners might not even be aware that there is more to a log home than the artistic taste one gets out of it, so in order to develop in them a deeper appreciation of their choice it is important to show them in what ways there is more in a log home than in conventional construction of other materials. It is the impression of many that the best and the most durable home is one made of bricks since it will not attract termites and insects as wood does. One thing we need to know is that when there is a large quantity of wood, it is does really attract wood boring insects. Other than that, air-or kiln-dried logs sent through profiling machines are dry logs that these insects are not attracted to. In Europe there are still timber homes standing that has been there for 800 years, and a church in Russia constructed with logs has lasted for more than 1700 years. Other than boring insect problem, the log and timber homes industry has countless stories of these homes successfully weathering the worst hurricanes since they are similarly constructed with a brick home which are load-bearing,and a locking system that is just marvelously better. Since the walls of a log house a load bearing, this means that the walls carry the weight of what is above them, and this is not like conventional home where posts are there to bear them, so when strong winds come they are able to withstand them because you have a very solid mass in that house. Falling trees during hurricanes are not even a threat to a log home since they cannot crash this solid mass, but only dislodge or loosen them since when they are interlocked to form a solid equilateral side, it is very hard to displace them
The Beginners Guide To Services (Chapter 1)
And if your log home is properly sealed, you got yourself a super energy efficient home that goes beyond the requirements of building codes. A great advantage of building a log or timber home today is that they are fifteen to twenty percent more energy efficient than conventionally constructed homes. With a log house, you don’t need insulation so you don’t face the hassle of replacing them after they are worn out, and for as long as your wall is standing your build in insulation lasts too.
The Beginners Guide To Services (Finding The Starting Point)
It is more expensive to build a custom log home with using eight to ten inch logs than building a 2×4 framed home with vinyl siding. What people do not realize, however, is that building a log home saves on labor since logs go up faster. Think how much carpentry is involve in constructing a conventional home, think what other material is necessary to succeed in achieving them compared to simply filing them up one-by-one.

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