3 Benefits of Micro needling On Your Skin. Micro needling is a process where the skin heals by itself; that is a natural method of facial rejuvenation. Most of the plastic surgeons perform this procedure in the modern world because it is one of the most popular facial treatments. This procedure is very harmless to your skin. It is done through a microscopic needle treatment which almost looks like high-tech acupuncture for the face. Micro needling helps on the elasticity of the face as well as smoothening the surface feel. In micro needling procedure, there is no use of harsh chemicals to strip away the skin, no laser burning away from the skin, no cuts, and no incisions, like in other treatments. There is nothing to “heal,” but the changes are spectacular. Follow me as we discuss the benefits on micro needling below; It is less expensive as compared to others. One of the most cost-effective facial rejuvenation procedures available is micro needling. Nowadays to get such treatments you are required to have a lot of money or be under a medical scheme and sometimes they don’t cover for all the treatments. Nevertheless, if you compare micro needling with let’s say the cost of full facial laser resurfacing, the latter is very expensive for a middle-class person. There is less risk involved in micro needling facial treatment, it is not as costly as others and the process is simpler as well. It works fast. You will achieve the results in micro needling much faster that with the other facial therapies. Within the first to second week of your micro needling sessions you will start to notice some improvements on your skin. By continuing with these facial treatments, your face will have a complete rejuvenation especially as you progress to the sixth facial session. If you continue with the treatment for like 6-12 months, you will have achieved your desirable results. You need a qualified plastic surgeon to do it. Micro needling treatment might seem straightforward task to perform, but the truth is, some of them are a bit tedious than others. Professional micro needling is most healthier and safer when is carried out by an aesthetician who is certified as well as a physician as a team member of an aesthetic medical practice. A combination of this team of expertise will add your confidence that you are dealing with professionals and that this exercise will be a success. A qualified plastic surgeon will ensure that you get the best treatment and with sterilized objects which are certified to perform a micro needling facial treatment. Understanding Resources

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