Protect Our Environment in Five Simple Steps

Human activities constantly create adverse effects to our environment. Some of the visible forms of negative impacts of human activities include water pollution, deforestation, smog, decrease of water supplies, extinction of wildlife, litter, and destruction of marine ecosystems. The good news, though, in our own simple ways we can do something to help mitigate and reverse some of the damage. For we are the caretakers of our planet earth, we must be the first one to protect and conserve it.

Below are some of the steps we can apply to protect and help our Mother earth.

1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. According to a study about 900,000,000 trees yearly are cut down to provide raw materials for American paper and pulp mills. Imagine the trees we can save by just recycling and reducing the use of papers. Moreover, the total waste generation worldwide is rising along with population while waste management services are not keeping up with the demand. We must, therefore, reduce our wastes as much as possible. For example instead of using plastic bags, why not buy a reusable bag which you can use each time you go to the grocery.

2. Save energy at home. As a start replace all existing incandescent bulbs to fluorescent lights or compact fluorescent lights. A big decrease in power is needed with these bulbs therefore a lot less energy is used. And always switch off and unplug all the electronic devices that are not in use.

3. Plant more trees. If you haven’t planted a tree in your entire life, now is the time to do it. Planting trees can help in cleaning the polluted air and can also serves as filters that clean the groundwater supply.

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4. Watch our carbon footprints. It will make a difference if we can decrease our carbon footprints each time we do something. For example, instead of using clothes dryer why not use the traditional clothes line. We can also car pool to minimize carbon dioxide emissions. Simple things can really do something for our environment.

5. Support green technology and other eco-friendly products. With today’s technology there’s a variety of products and services we could choose from. Why not use the environmental ones to help in saving our environment. We can also promote the use of green technologies such as biosphere technology, a waste to energy system that ecologically eliminates and converts waste materials into green energy.

Actually there are a lot of ways we can do for our planet earth. We just have to take the initiative and start protecting our environment.

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